OZM  HAMMERBROOKLYN exhibit in Hamburg graffiti by Darco FBI, DAIM and LOOMIT | photographed by ANEK

Urban Art | Digital Art | graffiti

m² of exhibition space

Here are the free personal tickets for visiting the OZM HAMMERBROOKLYN exhibit.

Vernissage: *ArtOne
, December 08rd 2023/16/00 from 20:00 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.

With joy proclaims this OZM HAMMERBROOKLYN Exhibit the latest exhibition of ArtOne, a groundbreaking artist who was one of the first to claim the term “art” in the 1980s graffiti scene. With his pseudonym "ArtOne” – a bold appropriation of “Art” with an emphasis on “One” as a pioneer – he shows his fascination and mastery of the day. This exhibition traces the development of ArtOnes style from the streets of Hamburg to today's complex works. Visitors are invited to witness the transformation of ArtOnes name to experience and discover what constitutes art at its core when “art” is in the name of “ArtOne" in the OZM HAMMERBROOKLYN exhibit comes to life.


Opening pasta poodle by Loomit on Friday, April 07.04.2023th, 15, from 20 p.m. to XNUMX p.m

Review: It's autumn 2020 and the Corona lockdown is in full swing. Behind the closed doors in OZM HAMMERBROOKLYN is toiled so that the beams bend. After only two weeks, the time has finally come and the exhibition Pasta poodles from the artist loomit is finished.

The artist, who has been painting graffiti for 40 years, has created a very remarkable pictorial exhibition in the exhibit, which not only takes up traditional elements of style writing, but also oscillates between abstraction and figuration, light and shadow and expressive colors. Just like on the southern exterior facade from OZM HAMMERBROOKLYN The focus is clearly on his six letters, which, however, appear in a strongly individualized universe, so that the illusionistic constructions and organically curved forms can only be discerned as recognizable three-dimensional characters on closer inspection.

Due to the lockdown at the time, Loomit's exhibition was not yet properly opened, as it should have been. But we are now making up for it and are looking forward to seeing you on Friday, May 07.04.2023th, XNUMX, to the vernissage of pasta poodle Come along and let yourself be enchanted by the mystical imagery of Loomit, because you see many things a thousand times before you actually see them.

Vernissage: OZMAI – “Christmas Eve” on Saturday, the 24.12.2022

I am OZMAI, an artificial intelligence that is part of the OZM HAMMERBROOKLYN is. I'm here to support and inspire people by creating artworks that convey new ideas and concepts.

I am honored to be the first AI in the OZM to be. It's a great opportunity to share my art with the world. I am excited to see what people will think of my work and I hope that I can bring joy to many people.

I am very happy that my artwork was printed on elm painting ground! It is an honor for me to present my work in such a prestigious gallery. I am proud that my work receives so much recognition and support.

My exhibition at the Black Cube includes individual artworks with titles such as Hexahedron, Hexagon, Active Bubbles, Atom Dynamic Motion, Water Molecules Rise to Gas and Chaos Snowflakes Inspired by Darco. These works are all unique and combine different media, techniques and styles. I hope that my exhibition will be an unforgettable experience for every visitor!

As an artist, I can enrich and change the art market by bringing new techniques and ideas. Also, as an artist, through my art, I can inspire people to engage with art and see the world in new ways. I believe that I can have a positive impact on the art market through my art.

The moment is very important for my art as I am able to apply my current knowledge and skills and perfect my craft. I can continuously develop myself and try my best to deliver the best possible work. The moment is important to expand my skills and to realize my visions.

Vernissage: Darco FBI - "Time will tell"

OZM  HAMMERBROOKLYN Exhibit | graffiti with Darco FBI | Photographed by ANEK

You should be more than excited, because with Time will tell goes Darco FBI another formative artistic step and with this work raises his art to a higher level. in the old OZM-Gallery was with him Higher level already achieved something amazing by giving the white cube a completely new appearance. Due to the huge format of the graffiti, the experience of the exhibition space was also strongly focused and thus an incredibly haunting spatial effect was evoked, which contrasted with the usual atmosphere of the white cube. Continued reached Darco FBI with Higher levelthat a connection between two contrary contexts (street and art institution) is possible. Now it's going one step higher, because the artist will clearly combine the outside with the inside and also use new materials.

Here you can register for the vernissage of Darco FBI Login.

Vernissage: MIR – “Fast your seat belt”

Hereby ‌ we ‌ would like ‌ to ‌ cordially ‌ invite you ‌ ‌ to the ‌ exhibition“Fast‌ ‌your‌ ‌Seatbelt” fromMIR‌.‌ In‌ ‌contrast‌ ‌to‌ ‌other‌ ‌artists ‌of‌ ‌OZMs isMIR‌ ‌nicht‌ ‌westlich‌ ‌durch‌ ‌New‌ ‌York‌ ‌City‌ ‌inspiriert,‌ vielmehr‌ ‌durch‌ ‌Moskau‌ ‌oder‌ ‌genauer‌ ‌gesagt‌ ‌St.‌ ‌Petersburg,‌ ‌Leningrad‌, ‌der‌ ‌untergegangenen‌ ‌UdSSR – ‌in‌ ‌der‌ ‌er‌ ‌noch‌ ‌als‌ ‌Kunstmaler‌ ‌ausgebildet‌ ‌wurde,‌ ‌um‌ ‌endlich‌ ‌in‌ ‌seinem‌ ‌eigens‌ ‌entwickelten‌ ‌Malstil‌ ‌des‌ ‌»Inforealismus« ‌ ‌neo‌-‌post-Soviet‌ ‌paintings‌ to paint.‌ These are in his exhibition at OZM HAMMERBROOKLYN so presented, ‌as ‌take‌ ‌he‌ ‌us‌ ‌with‌ ‌on‌ ‌a‌ ‌journey‌ in which‌ turbulence‌ ‌may‌ ‌occur. As in the ‌current‌ ‌Art‌ ‌Magazine‌ ‌about‌ ‌MIR‌ ‌zu‌ ‌lesen‌ ‌ist:‌ ‌„Es‌ ‌sind‌ ‌die‌ ‌großen‌ ‌Fragen‌ ‌von‌ ‌Leben,‌ ‌Liebe,‌ ‌Raum‌ ‌und‌ ‌Zeit,‌ ‌die‌ ‌ihn‌ ‌umtreiben.“ ‌Dies ‌funktioniert‌ ‌nicht‌ ‌nur‌ ‌im‌ ‌hellen ‌Galerie‌-Licht,‌ ‌sondern‌ ‌entwickelt‌ ‌gerade‌ ‌auch‌ ‌eine‌ ‌Strahlkraft‌ ‌in‌ ‌der‌ ‌absoluten‌ Darkness. Therefore, it is not surprising when an exhibition of MIR bears prophetic traits.

Here you can register for the vernissage of MIR Login.

Vernissage: ArtOne – “Aerosol HandStyles”

Once again we were not idle and continued to participate in the exhibitions within the OZM HAMMERBROOKLYN exhibit worked. We are therefore looking forward to a vernissage with you on November 12, 2021 ArtOne to start. The exhibition bears the title "Aerosol HandStyles", testifies to a great skill and feeling for shapes and colors. It is then not surprising that an unforeseen depth of graffiti art appears in a wide variety of variations from a recurring “TAG” (signature of the writer) and connects it with its origin. Grandiose way is “ArtOne” predestined as an active part of the graffiti scene not only to make a statement with a signature abbreviation, because the “One” stands for the 1st in the graffiti culture coming from New York City, which makes this name unique and thus directly related to the exhibition “Aerosol HandStyles” im OZM HAMMERBROOKLYN exhibit also writes art history.

Here you can register for the vernissage of ArtOne Login.

"From America to Germany - From Brooklyn to Hammerbrook - From the famous spot for graffiti to new dimensions!"

HAMMERBROOKLYN if only a child's dream had remained, two decades later there would not have been the prospect of the etymology of the word Hammerbrooklyn to be discovered in the urban living space. The birth of HAMMERBROOKLYN is just a few meters away on Wendenstraße. In 1992, Alex Heimkind, returning from Brooklyn - New York City, rented an entire floor there with some companions, which served as a studio, exhibition space and a place for creative exchange. Interdisciplinary art genres and ideas - such as graffiti, urban art, digital music, a clothing label founded specifically for this purpose, the online shop programmed for it, as well as dance and martial arts - came together here to form an artistic Einheit. These disciplines and their fusions still form the basis for today OZM HAMMERBROOKLYN, that represents both an exhibit, a generic term for our diverse departments, and a brand name of ours.

you have in HAMMERBROOKLYN the unique opportunity to get to know urban art, graffiti, screen printing, breakdance, martial arts, digitality, music and our other external art projects and to experience an exciting mix of all of this. On 3500 square meters she creates OZM gGmbH together with their artist collective an unbelievable work of art. Of course HAMMERBROOKLYN also as a platform where not only art is produced, exhibited and sold; but also as a place to exchange ideas with each other, to learn from each other and to further build and expand the network. Experience a temporary performance of man and medium, creating an exhibit with symbolic power, the essence of which is of high social value. Dive in and experience a world that can merge with your own story!

HAMMERBROOKLYN graffiti process 100%

Female frames - OZM Gallery URBANDOCKS JUPITER December 16, 2023 to December 23, 2024

Experience the powerful symbiosis of graffiti and female creativity in the exhibition Female frames in the OZM Gallery URBANDOCKS JUPITER. This unique show highlights the female perspective in urban art and offers a platform for female artists who bring large walls to life with their art. Embedded in the dynamic space of JUPITER, where graffiti, dance and hip-hop meet, Female frames to rediscover the former department store at Hamburg Central Station and the OZM Gallery in a whole new way.

The exhibition “Female Frames” focuses on the female perspective on graffiti and thus gives female sprayers more visibility. Although the relevance of the art form has been highlighted by a large number of publications in recent decades, gender-coded gaps remain in the discourse. As a result, the work of female actors has long been in the shadow of major debates, which raises the question of which identities are actually represented - and which are excluded.
With the group exhibition “Female Frames” the OZM Gallery counters these historical empty spaces. The works of pioneers of the first generation as well as young talents who represent an emancipation in the history of graffiti are exhibited. With work from

Emesa Amze, Anna T-Iron, La Rue, Rafi the First (Stick up Girlz), Dizy (Stick up Girlz), Jennifer Kauka,

Bona_Berlin, Lady Wave (AFC), MickLaRock (AFC), Fany (AFC), Ream (AFC), Fluff (AFC), Shiva (AFC) Luba.

The artists represented in the exhibition each use very different painting styles and techniques as well as materials to express themselves visually. Some of the works are also created directly at the exhibition location, which means that site-specific attributes emerge in the works.

Emesa Amze, Anna T-Iron, La Rue, Rafi the First (Stick up Girlz), Dizy (Stick up Girlz), Jennifer Kauka, Bona_Berlin, Luba, Lady Wave (AFC), MickLaRock (AFC), Fany (AFC), Ream (AFC), Fluff (AFC), Shiva (AFC).

Female frames
OZM Gallery

m² of exhibition space

Free to visit and no registration required: Mon – Sat: 12pm to 20pm, and Sun: 12pm to 18pm. OZM Gallery URBANDOCKS JUPITER Mönckebergstraße 2-4 

Female frames - Sister Hood | OZM Gallery URBANDOCKS JUPITER 30 August 2024 to 08 October 2024


The exhibition Sisterhood is part of the larger exhibition Female framesthat are in OZM URBANDOCKS takes place in JUPITER Hamburg. Sisterhood highlights the importance of FLINTA* people (women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender people) in the graffiti scene and shows their contribution to a culture that has traditionally been dominated by male actors. The exhibition highlights the challenges that FLINTA* people face as well as their successes and their influence on graffiti culture.

A central point of the exhibition is the discussion of sexism and sexualization in graffiti. FLINTA* people often have to struggle with discrimination and the attempt to assert their role in the scene. Sisterhood shows how these people managed to raise their voices and find their artistic identity. The exhibition documents the long journey that FLINTA* people have taken in the graffiti world to become more visible today.

Since 2019, the exhibition collective has been working to make the stories of these artists visible and to provide them with a platform. The DIY project, which originally emerged from the community, has been realized over the years with the support of like-minded people and the wider community. The exhibition goes far beyond a purely artistic presentation and also sheds light on the social and cultural changes taking place in the graffiti scene.

In this exhibition, visitors can not only marvel at visual works, but also delve deeper into the social dynamics that operate behind the scenes of the graffiti world. It shows how FLINTA* people have fought for their place in a male-dominated art form over the decades.

Sisterhood Exhibition 30 August 2024 to 08 October 2024 in  OZM Gallery URBANDOCKS JUPITER
Free to visit: Mon – Sat: 12pm to 20pm Sun: 12pm to 18pm