Bona_Berlin is a street artist. She is known for her colorful faces, which are always made up of different colors and shapes. The bizarre minds are at home on the streets of the world. It all started on small pieces of paper in Berlin, and the paste-ups have now become murals that can be found in many countries on different continents. Bona_Berlin's faces are individual and diverse, like each and every one of us. Only when taken together do they form a larger whole. The artist has had several solo exhibitions in recent years, is committed to humanitarian issues and justice and is an integral part of various urban art festivals worldwide. Bona_Berlin is also repeatedly involved in social activities, for example in cooperation with Viva con Agua, Seebrücke or Hanseatic Help. In 2020, Bona_Berlin won the audience award in the “Intervention” category at the Streetart-of-the-year Award. The anamorphic installation “The Face” was created in collaboration with the Pfund & Dollar gallery and shows that we are all more than what first appearances suggest.